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葡萄酒术语 值得收藏
时间:2018-12-09 11:13:38  来源:  浏览:
Abboccato / Medium-sweet and full bodied; 中度甜型(半甜)/ 酒体饱满
Amabile / Medium-sweet / 中度甜型
Annata / Vintage / 葡萄采摘年份
Azienda (or Casa) agricola / An estate that uses its own grapes in production of its wines / 采用自有葡萄园酿酒的生产商
Azienda (or Casa) vinicola / A producer who buys in and vinifies, usually a large scale operation / 通过从外购买葡萄原料来酿酒的生产商,一般是比较大型的生产经营者
Azienda (or Casa) vitivinicola / An estate that grows vines, buys in grapes and makes wines / 采用自有葡萄园的原料,也从外购买一些葡萄原料来酿酒的农庄
Bianco / White / 白葡萄酒
Botte / Cask / 木桶
Bottiglia / Bottle / 瓶
Cantina Sociale / Co-operative cellar / 酿酒合作社
Cascina / Farmhouse (estate) / 农庄,酒庄
Cerasuolo / Cherry red / 樱桃红
Chiaretto / Deep rose / 深桃红
Classico / The origonal centre of a DOC region, making the most typical wines / 位于DOC产区中心地带,生产最具典型性的葡萄酒。
Consorzio - Producerse trade association, whose members?wines are identified by a neck-label / 生产者贸易协会,他的成员所生产的酒都会在瓶颈处贴上标签
Dolce / Sweet / 甜型
Fattoria / Estate / 农庄,酒庄
Fermentazione naturale / Natural sparkle in a wine / 起泡酒(气泡是自然发酵产生的)
Frizzante / Slighty sparkling / 微泡型起泡酒
Imbottigliato all origine / Estate bottled / 酒庄装瓶
Invecchiato / Aged / 陈年
Liquoroso / Strong, often fortified, wine / 强劲的,通常是加强型葡萄酒
Maso, Masseria / Estate / 农庄,酒庄
Metodo charmat / Tank method sparkling wine / 密封罐发酵起泡酒
Metodo classico, metodo tradizonale / Traditional method, bottle-fermented sparkling wine / 传统方法,瓶内发酵起泡酒
Passito, Passita / A generally strong, sweet wine made from part-dried grapes / 用风干的葡萄酿造的比较强劲,甜的的葡萄酒
Podere / A small estate / 小农庄,小酒庄
Produttore / Producer / 生产者
Recioto / Similar to Passito, made with part-dried grapes / 与Passito一样,也是用风干的葡萄酿造的甜型葡萄酒
Riserva / Reserve, for DOC wines, one that has been aged in cask and / or bottle for a particular length of time / 在DOC产区的葡萄酒中,陈酿型的葡萄酒会在木桶或瓶中陈酿更长的时间。
Rosato / Rose / 桃红葡萄酒
Rosso / Red / 红葡萄酒
Secco / Dry / 干葡萄酒
Semisecco / Medium-dry / 半干葡萄酒
Spumante / Sparkling wine made by any method / 起泡酒(泡沫比frizzante更加丰富)
Stravecchio / Very old, particularly of marsala and spirits / 年久的玛莎拉白葡萄酒或烈性酒
Tenuta / Estate / 农庄,酒庄
Uva / Grape / 葡萄
Vecchio / Old; with DOC wines there are restrictions as to how this may be used / 老酒,DOC产区葡萄酒在使用它时会有限制
Vendemmia / Vintage / 葡萄采摘年份
Vigna, Vigneto / Vineyard / 葡萄园
Vigniaiolo, Viticoltore / Grower / 生产者
Vino Novello / New wine, bottled less than a year / 新酒,在瓶中少于一年
Vitigno / Grape variety / 葡萄品种
Vivace / Slightly Sparkling / 微泡起泡酒
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